Radchem Logo

 Scope of the conference
 Hevesy Medal Award 2014
 Conference venue
 Conference secretariat
 Advance conference programme
 Students Poster Competition
 Information for the authors
 Important deadlines
 Social & guest programmes
 Registration / Abstracts
   My Registration direct access
 Accommodation & Travel
 Useful information
 Download Booklet of Abstracts
 Download Conference poster
 Previous conferences
Updated:  11th August 2014  
 11/08/14-Upload of photos in high resolution
 04/08/14-Upload of video from Jam Band Session
 10/07/14-Upload of video from Radiochemist Plays Chopin
 23/06/14-Upload of B. Drtinová's photos
 16/05/14-Full papers deadline extended!
 16/05/14-Upload of Friday's photos
 16/05/14-Upload of Jam Band Session record
 16/05/14-Upload of Organizers's photos
 15/05/14-Upload of Thursday's photos
 15/05/14-Upload of Sponsors and Exhibitors's photos
 15/05/14-Upload of Wednesday's photos
 13/05/14-Upload of Tuesday's photos
 12/05/14-Upload of Monday's photos
 11/05/14-Upload of Sunday's photos
 11/05/14-Photogallery was opened
 11/05/14-Upload of Hevesy Avard Lecture record
 19/04/14-Late registration opened
 19/04/14-Regular registration closed
 03/04/14-Accommodation informations uploaded
 02/04/14-Regular registration opened
 02/04/14-Early registration closed
 01/04/14-Conference poster uploaded
 27/02/14-Travel information uploaded
 25/02/14-Social&Guest programme updated
 24/02/14-Advance conference programme uploaded
 20/02/14-Early registration opened
 20/02/14-Important deadlines updated
 20/02/14-Preliminary programme uploaded
 03/02/14-Late Abstract submission opened
 03/02/14-Regular abstract submission closed
 17/09/13-Information for the authors uploaded
 22/08/13-Abstract Submission
 08/08/13-Useful information updated
 18/07/13-General update
 07/06/09-Site opened